Whats up MS Gymmers !
It’s Monday morning here in Colorado and my girls are off from school today so it will be a busy day here in the Wicken household.
I figured I would get my workout in this morning and get an email out to you before the craziness ( in a good way) begins in my house.
Check out this testimonial from Katharina !
Of all the comments we get in our community and the private emails sent to me, the # 1 thing people share is that I have helped them better understand what is going on with their body which has reduced their fear of MS symptoms.
Fear is the number one thing that holds people back in every area of life.
Fear of the unknown is scary but when you understand your symptoms and why they are happening it becomes less scary. Over time, you stop asking yourself, is this a normal symptom ? is this part of MS ?
But only if you know what is going on and understand you body better.
This is why I put a huge emphasis on not just creating exercise programs for you, but educating you.
As Nelson Mandela said, “education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”
So starting today, NeuroNerd has a new video series for you, WOOP WOOP!
Yup, today my buddy NeuroNerd will be delivering a comprehensive neuro-anatomy lesson all about your CEREBELLUM.
The Cerebellum is involved in almost EVERY function in your body.
Its main job is to evaluate the ABC’s of movement: Accuracy – Balance – Coordination.
MANY MANY MANY Gymmers I work with have significant cerebellar disruption due to MS lesions in the cerebellum and complications from lesions in other parts of the Central Nervous System.
That’s why I’ve BUILT IN cerebellar drills into almost every MS Gym movement session… it’s just that super dooper important.
In this video, NeuroNerd will teach you about:
– Cerebellar anatomy
– Cerebellar connections to your muscles, spine, and limbs
– How improving cerebellar function will improve your balance, walking, and energy
– WHY CEREBELLAR drills may be a major KEY to counteracting your MS symptoms
Click Here to learn about your Super Cerebellum: NEURONERD
Class is in session!
RISE | Move | Heal
Coach Trevor