At the age of 16 Misty suffered a cerebellar aneurysm that left her paralyzed on the left side of her body for several months. Although she has recovered and most people would never know that it still has an effect on her body and her cognitive function she understands having life derailed from a neurological condition.
Misty had been working hard as a varsity volleyball player and had collegiate athletics in her sights. Following the aneurysm her life’s plans changed and it seemed everything around her did too.
She first came to know the power of Neuro-Muscular Movement Training when she was 29 and was referred to Trevor by her personal trainer who couldn’t go much further with her due to the remaining neurological dysfunction affecting her movement abilities. Having a mutual admiration for each other from a distance, Misty was surprised that when she started working with Trevor that his interest in her seemed to fade. Luckily the work they did together to balance out her body came together rather quickly so she could “fire” him knowing his professionalism was likely keeping him from pursuing her.
She was right and within a matter of months the two of them were in love and already dreaming about the lives they knew they were called to help. Misty watched Trevor work with a handful of brain injury and neurological patients and saw first hand the life changing results of Trevor’s skill set. They both knew that together they had to get Trevor in front of more people so they can help the vast number of people suffering who are searching for the answers he has been gifted with.
Misty draws upon her experience from studying broadcasting, her internship with CBS News 4, along with managing and owning her own businesses to help support Trevor and move them toward her and Trevor’s vision to set 1 million people free who are without hope and are searching for the answers Trevor has been gifted with.
Misty’s passion is truly empowering and leading people to their own personal victories. She believes that everyone has inside them the ability to overcome and live out their own personal calling and purpose in their life. It isn’t something someone else can decide for you, nor is it something that an MS diagnosis can take away from you. “It is a personal thing that has always been on your heart that no matter what you do or what you’ve experienced to hold you back, you just can’t shake the desire or get it out of your head.” Helping MS Gymmers dream again and seek out their vision for their life, she believes, gives each person the ability to fight towards something rather than to just fight to survive each day.
Misty is a daughter of Christ and biggest fan and supporter of her husband Trevor Wicken. Together they are raising three young beautiful daughters.